Before the second session, please make sure that you are a registered user on all of the following websites, by following these links to the relevant registration pages:
Please also
Web Pages | Social media |
permanent | ephemeral and transitory |
structured | unstructured |
can be undated | dated |
like books in a library | like newspaper articles or press releases |
e.g. WordPress pages | e.g. WordPress posts |
text must be time-proofed
(avoid 'recent', 'last', 'yesterday', 'next', etc.; give full non-numeric dates) |
current |
e.g. Wikipedia, IrelandXO parishes | e.g. facebook, twitter, IrelandXO message boards |
searchable | often not searchable |
[Technical aside: If clicking on these OSI links does not bring up the relevant point on the map, then right-click on the link to the map, copy the link location/shortcut/link address, open a new browser tab, go to the home page in your new tab, and paste the direct link into the address bar in this new browser tab. Click-through works with Mozilla Firefox under Windows 7 but not for all browsers and operating systems.]