The Oral, Archival and Genetic Heritage of Ireland

Paddy Waldron

Tralee Library

1:30 p.m. Wednesday 16 May 2018

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History, culture, folklore, heritage and tradition flow from place to place and down through the generations via three channels:

  1. Oral traditions are passed down through the generations, actively and passively, from older family members to younger family members.
  2. Archival sources, offline and online, written and digital, are traditionally used by historians and genealogists to fill some of the gaps in the oral history.
  3. For genealogists, genetic evidence embodied in our DNA now fills many of the remaining gaps left by the traditional sources.

This talk will provide examples of how local history and genealogy (micro-history), like all aspects of Irish history, are created, nurtured, transformed, contested and transmitted.

Genealogy is about




Family history

