Triangulation and how to use it to further your research

Irish Genealogical Research Society Ireland Branch: DNA Workshop, Dublin

Saturday 9 November 2019    10:00 am - 4:30 pm

Dublin City Library & Archive 138-144 Pearse Street Dublin 2, Ireland

by Paddy Waldron

WWW version:

YouTube version:


***** NB: FamilyTreeDNA kits will be available after this talk for anyone interested via the DNA Outreach IRL project *****



There are many types of triangulation in genealogy and in the wider world.

See the ISOGG Wiki for more on the origins and usage of the word triangulation.

Shared, or In Common With (ICW), matches

A group of three or more individuals who all meet the relevant matching criteria with each other are likely to share a recent common ancestor (or, more often, ancestral couple).

When I find a new match, I am usually anxious to identify the most distant known ancestor through whom I am related to the new match.

The matches that I share with the new match are usually the first clue to solving this puzzle.

All of the DNA comparison websites allow one to identify the shared matches of two individuals in some form or another.

The matching criteria vary from one DNA comparison website to another.

The stricter the matching criteria, the more significant the shared matches.

FTDNA Family Finder

To find the shared matches of two individuals who match each other:

You will eventually identify a group of individuals, all of whom you suspect descend from a single common ancestor (or ancestral couple).

To see whether up to 10 individuals who match you also match each other:

To find the shared matches and shared cM of two or more individuals who belong to the same project, whether or not they match each other:


On each match page, there is a Shared Matches link. (Screenshot.)

The Shared Matches are those with Shared DNA of 20 cM or more with both individuals.

So C can appear in the shared matches of A and B even if B does not appear in the shared matches of A and C (if C shares more than 20cM with A but B shares lesss than 20cM with A).

Matches are sorted by closeness of relationship to the logged-in individual.

A can see that B matches C but cannot see the cM shared by B and C.


When the Review DNA Match page eventually completes loading, the Shared DNA Matches section:

Matches are sorted by the sum of the centiMorgans shared with the two individuals.

A can see not only that B matches C but also the cM shared by B and C.

A's shared matches with B will be exactly the same as B's shared matches with A, in the same order.


To find the shared matches of two individuals, whether or not they match each other, use the "People who match both, or 1 of 2 kits" tool on the many menu.

This lists shared matches of Kit 1 and Kit 2, no matter how much DNA or how little DNA Kit 1 shares with Kit 2.

Matches are sorted by closeness of relationship to Kit 1.

To sort by closeness of relationship to Kit 2, re-use the tool with the kits in reverse order.

If you login in one browser tab, and open the Multi Kit Analysis menu in another tab (via a hyperlink or bookmark), then you can run an Autosomal Matrix Comparison on up to 100 kits.

While the FTDNA user matrix shows only whether or not kits match, the FTDNA administrator matrix and the GEDmatch matrix shows the shared centiMorgans.

Triangulated matches

Triangulation and phasing are really opposite sides of the same coin.  If V is half-identical on the same region with W and Z, then there are two possibilities:

  1. W and Z are half-identical to each other on this region, in which case V, W and Z probably inherited an identical segment in this region from a single common ancestor and the relationship can be described as triangulated; or
  2. W and Z are not half-identical to each other on this region, in which case V is probably related to W on V's paternal side and V is probably related to Z on V's maternal side, or vice versa, and V's autosomal DNA in this region can be phased.

The ADSA tool by Don Worth at DNAGedcom provides a graphical representation of triangulation and phasing.

Triangulation groups

The ultimate objective is to collect DNA matches into triangulation groups. A triangulation group is a set of three or more people who are all half-identical to each of the other group members on overlapping regions.

The more individuals who are added to the triangulation group, the smaller the overlap may become.

A triangulation group of three or more individuals are very likely to share a recent common ancestor (or, more often, ancestral couple).

Examples and counter-examples

Example 1

9 106,881,785 124,347,952 24.0 4,938 Hincken/Morrissey
9 114,714,102 132,034,981 24.4 4,397 Quinn/Hincken
9 114,714,102 125,890,734 15.7 2,999 Morrissey/Quinn

All three members of the triangulation group are half-identical to each other from 114,714,102 to 124,347,952. The interpolator can be used to confirm that the (sex-averaged) length of this overlap region is approximately 13.7cM:

Chr Query (bp) Sex-averaged (Kos cM) Female (Kos cM) Male (Kos cM)
9 114714102 118.8510593879110 147.9192814455530 91.1703069169749
9 124347952 132.5099030861300 164.5840116062510 101.8401906721300

This region is long enough that it almost certainly contains a DNA segment inherited by all the members of the triangulation group from a relatively recent single common ancestor.

A triangulation group including at least one subgroup who are known relatives of each other is of particular value.

In this example, Hincken and Quinn are known third cousins, with most recent common ancestral couple Denis O'Connell (died 1887 aged 90) and Kate O'Dea (died 1889 aged 78).

It can then be concluded that the other members of the triangulation group are related to one of the most recent common ancestral couple of the known relatives, or even descended from both.

In this case, we can infer that Morrissey is related to either Denis O'Connell or Kate O'Dea. The total amount of shared DNA will indicate whether the most recent common ancestor of the entire triangulation group is upstream or downstream from the known most common ancestral couple of the known relatives. In this case, Morrissey has known ancestry from the same townland as the others, so geographic evidence added to genetic evidence points in a very specific direction.

Example 2

8 8,292,285 54,555,905 50.2 10692 Claire/Ed
8 17,609,398 38,378,638 27.4 5563 Ed/Michael
8 17,648,866 37,812,773 26.9 5499 Michael/Claire
Claire and Ed are fourth cousins, descended from two O'Dea sisters, Mrs Lynch and Mrs O'Connell respectively, who lived in the townland of Moveen West, County Clare..
So their 50.2 centiMorgan half-identical region must contain an O'Dea segment.
So Michael's grandfather  Eugene Lynch, born in "Ireland" must be related to Mr O'Dea (first name still unknown) or Mrs O'Dea (Neans) or descend from both.
Eugene and Michael's surname is Lynch, so they must surely descend from Michael Lynch and Mary O'Dea.
Eugene (41 in 1910, migrated 1887) is too young to be Michael and Mary's son (their known children have implied birth years 1824-1841).
Eugene's descendants share too much DNA with other descendants of Michael Lynch and Mary O'Dea for him to be their greatgrandson.
So he must be their grandson.
Michael has now gone from knowing that his ancestors came from "Ireland" to knowing the precise townland where his ancestors lived.

As half-identical regions have fuzzy boundaries, it is rare to find that even two of the half-identical regions in a triangulation group share either the same beginning or ending location. Between the two examples above, there is just one boundary location (114,714,102) common to two of the three half-identical regions. One should concentrate on looking for overlaps rather than exact shared boundaries, which have no special significance.

If a triangulation group contains two subgroups of known relatives, then it can be concluded that one of the most recent common ancestral couple of the first subgroup is related to one of the most recent common ancestral couple of the second subgroup.

Counter-example: the Smith, Parker and Keas siblings

There is an exception to every rule.

It is possible to find triangulated matches without a common ancestor.

14 September 1831
Thomas Parker married Mary Keas (my GGGgrandparents);
3 Mar 1840
Francis Parker (Thomas's brother) married Margaret Smith;
26 May 1841
Joseph Smith (Margaret's brother) married Ellen Keas (Mary's sister).

They produced three families, each of which were first cousins to the other two, but who didn't have a single common ancestral couple!


Each of these, as first cousins, shared many half-identical regions with both of the others, probably including some regions in which:

In this example, the three cousins will all "match" each other genetically.

They are expected to triangulate on 1/64th of their autosomal DNA, so (like a comparison between two third cousins) there is about a 90% chance of finding a triangulated match.

On closer examination it will be found that there is no common ancestral couple of all three.

[To complicate matters further, Anne Parker went on to marry her first cousin George Smith!]

With this caveat, the triangulated matches that I share with a new match are usually the second clue to identifying through which of my most distant known ancestors I am related to the new match.

Some of the DNA comparison websites allow one to identify the triangulated matches of two individuals in some form or another.

FTDNA Family Finder

One has to be a little devious to find triangulated matches directly at FTDNA.

The Linked Relationship feature is designed to identify matches who triangulate with known third cousins or closer, and then dump them all together again in paternal and maternal buckets.
It can alternatively be used to identify all the other matches who triangulate with a particular match of interest.
To do this, you will want to have just one linked relationship at a time on one side, say Paternal. You can just link the match of interest temporarily as your father, whom you should mark as living, to avoid any chances that your matches or project administrators interpret this device as proof of a relationship.
Family matching will then put all the matches who triangulate with you and the match of interest in the Paternal bucket. You can still use the Maternal bucket in the normal way to collect your triangulated maternal matches (or you can use a maternal ancestor in this procedure and use the Paternal bucket in the normal way).
When you have recorded the list of triangulated matches, you should probably reverse the process by returning to the myFTDNA - myFamilyTree tab and deleting the individual from the tree.
Then you can repeat the process for any other match of interest.

If you want to use the Linked Relationships feature both for bucketing both Paternal and Maternal matches and for identifying triangulated matches with individual matches, and if your matches include known third cousins or closer on both paternal and maternal sides, then you may want to have two Family Finder kits, e.g. a kit based on swabs sent to FTDNA with a full pedigree chart for paternal/maternal phasing; and a kit based on an autosomal transfer from another laboratory with a minimal pedigree chart for identifying triangulated matches.


AncestryDNA refuses to provide any way of identifying triangulated matches.


MyHeritage shared match lists include a symbol identifying which of these matches are triangulated.

There appears to be no way to filter the list of shared matches to show only the triangulated matches.


To use the triangulation tools, you are expected to subscribe to Tier 1 (USD10 for one month).

If you login in one browser tab, then you can open these Tier 1 tools in another tab:

I use a Microsoft Excel macro to tidy and save the Segment Search output.