Genealogical Sources for Carrigaholt Parish

Carrigaholt Cultural & Heritage Festival

7:00 p.m. Thursday 2 July 2015

Carrigaholt National School

by Paddy Waldron

WWW version:

Parish boundaries

The present boundaries of Moyarta civil parish were laid down formally by the Ordnance Survey, which surveyed the whole island of Ireland between 1824 and 1846.
The parish can be seen outlined in green on the colour Historic 6" Ordnance Survey Ireland map (1840).

The parish boundaries are little changed since 1656-1658, when the Down Survey of Ireland became the first ever detailed land survey on a national scale anywhere in the world. It includes a map of the Barony of Moyfarto [sic].

Townland boundaries have changed - e.g. Breaghva townland appears to have been originally subsumed into Moyarta East (as it still was up to at least 1827).

The civil parishes of Moyarta and Kilballyowen constituted a single Catholic parish until the death of the famous parish priest, Fr. Michael Meehan (1810-1878). [A typographical error in Griffith's Valuation (1855) sees him wrongly described as "Rev. Mchl. Sheehan, P.P." (sic).]
Samuel Lewis (1837) refers to the pre-1878 Catholic parish as
the union or district of Dunaha, also called Carrigaholt, comprising the parishes of Moyarta and Kilballyhone.
On Saturday, 23 March 1878, the Irish American Weekly, published in New York by Fr. Meehan's cousin Patrick J. Meehan, reported (p.6) that
Since the death of the Rev. Michael Meehan, P.P., the parish of Carrigaholt has been sub-divided into two minor parishes, owing to the wide area of land over which the former parish extended.  As we have already announced, the Rev. John Fogartny [Fogarty] Administrator of the Ennis parish, has been appointed to the Carrigaholt division, with Father Cahill as curate, and the Rev. M. [John] Vaughan, C.C., Bodyke, has received the other parish, with the Rev. J. Corry as curate.  Father Fogarty's removal is deeply regretted in Ennis, where he was universally beloved.

Since then, the Catholic parishes of Carrigaholt and Cross have been separate entities. Cross contains the civil parish of Kilballyowen and the seven townlands in Moyarta civil parish marked with an asterisk in the list below, while Carrigaholt contains the remainder of Moyarta civil parish.

Other maps:

Townlands in Moyarta civil parish

In total, Moyarta civil parish comprises two small uninhabited islands plus the following 32 townlands, which can be seen outlined in red on the colour Historic 6" Ordnance Survey Ireland map (asterisks denote townlands in Cross Catholic parish; the remainder are in Carrigaholt Catholic parish):

Doonaha East
Doonaha West
Furroor Lower
Furroor Upper
Moveen East
Moveen West
Moyarta East
Moyarta West
Newtown East
Newtown West
Rahona East (on which stands part of the Village of Carrigaholt)
Rahona West
Rinemackaderrig (on which stands the remainder of the Village of Carrigaholt)
Trusklieve* [part of]
Tullig* [part of]

Repositories containing source material

Genealogical source material for Carrigaholt parish is available

Online records

In approximate reverse chronological order, consult the following to answer questions like `Where were my ancestors in 1916?' and `Where were my ancestors during the Famine?':

Offline records


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