Why I have moved from tribalpages.com to TNG
by Paddy Waldron
6 Aug 2013
I set up pwaldron.tribalpages.com on 24 Feb
2008 but was forced to abandon it in favour of running TNG at pwaldron.info/tng on 1 Aug 2013. I had
paid my annual tribalpages.com subscription up to 29 Mar 2014 before abandoning
Like any genealogical work and any software project, both websites have been
constantly, probably permanently, under reconstruction.
tribalpages.com has lots of advantages over other sites which display family
tree databases online, including:
- password protection
- data not automatically included in search results
- interface not designed for viewing on an infinitely wide screen
- relatively keyboard-friendly
- an iPhone app
- at GBP17 for my last annual renewal, tribalpages.com works out less
expensive for a beginner than TNG, which requires annual hosting fees of
USD102.40 plus a once off payment of GBP22.48 for the software; but I was
already paying the hosting fees for the other material on this website.
tribalpages.com also has lots of disadvantages, which ultimately outweigh
the advantages:
- TribalPages.com does not display everything uploaded in a GEDCOM file:
- NOTEs attached to FAM records are ignored.
- OBJEs (photographs) attached to INDI records apparently have to be
uploaded and reattached to the relevant individuals one by one; there
does not appear to be a batch mode for doing this.
- It appears that name prefixes and nicknames are ignored, although as
far as I can see, these are allowed by the GEDCOM specification and
should be displayed.
- Approximate date ranges such as Abt 1900/1920 are truncated to Abt
1900, so tribalpages.com readers must treat any date in the format 'Abt
yyyy' with extreme caution.
- The tribalpages.com import ignores the Record Identification Numbers
[RIN] in the GEDCOM input. In my notes, I often identify individuals by
appending the RIN to names (e.g. P J M Waldron-1 for myself). TNG uses
the RIN from AQ as its personID, making it potentially possible even to
hyperlink the RINs in comments to the relevant individuals.
- Several characters in GEDCOM files are not imported correctly by
tribalpages.com. So far, I have noticed that:
- the % symbol is converted to a <space>;
- hyphens (-) in names are converted to underscores (_); and
- apostrophes in names (') are converted to left quotes (').
- The hacks necessary to fix some of the above problems make things look
even worse in the iPhone app, which does not parse HTML embedded in the
GEDCOM file correctly.
- A TribalPages.com site is not scaleable
- It was only from the update of 7 Sep 2009 that an increase from 10
megabytes to 20 megabytes in the free storage space provided by
tribalpages.com allowed me to start including some of the notes for
each individual that were previously stored offline.
- In 2011, tribalpages.com suddenly switched off its free service for
databases with more than 500 individuals, requiring me to find time to
figure out how to switch to its commercial offering.
- The next size limit that I expected to encounter is not mentioned on
the tribalpages.com pricing page, but is referred to in
a message dated 13 Jun of some unspecified year (2012
or earlier). The maximum GEDCOM size allowed by tribalpages.com is only
60GB, which I expect to reach some time around 2015.
- My original notes were written without a word limit, so the online
versions of a few longer ones (over 8000 words) were truncated on
import to TribalPages.com, possibly in mid-sentence.
I'm sure I'll find bugs in TNG in future, but so far it seems to solve all
my TribalPages.com problems.
I have introduced numerous other people to TribalPages.com over the five
years plus for which I used it; those who enter their data directly on the
website appear more satsified than I am, until they realise that they have to
pay to back it up to an offline GEDCOM file.
In recent months, I in turn have been introduced to TNG by three satisfied
users, namely Terry Fitzgerald,
Bríd Talty and Aileen Wynne.
It did take several days to get everything up and running in TNG and along
the way I needed a little assistance from the helpful folks at tngforum.us and at