Last updated 24 Mar 2025.


photograph of Paddy Waldron

Welcome to I set up this domain on 23 December 2010. I set up my first web server on 29 November 1993 and the Wayback Machine has preserved some early versions of the home page and technical details.

Mathematics, Economics and Finance

I have degrees in mathematical sciences, economics and finance and have been a Lecturer and Visiting Research Fellow in Economics at Trinity College Dublin.

You can read about (and purchase) the book I have written with Mike Harrison entitled Mathematics for Economics and Finance at the publisher's website. The English language edition was launched by Professor Patrick Honohan in Trinity College Dublin on 13 June 2011 and the Chinese language edition appeared in February 2013.

Betting and Horse-racing

Arising from family connections and my afore-mentioned background in mathematics, economics and finance, I have had a long-standing interest in the betting and horse-racing world. As well as betting on my own account, I have acted as an independent consultant to numerous bodies in betting and horse-racing, have served as a non-executive director of Tote Ireland, and have contributed to public debate.

I advised the World Rankings Supervisory Committee on the re-assessment of the levels of the ratings in the International Classifications and World Thoroughbred Rankings 1977-2012, as published on 15 January 2013 in a Recalibration Paper and Co-Chairmen's Preface on the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities website and discussed in the British Horseracing Authority's Head of Handicapping's Blog on 22 January 2013.

I have also contributed to the long and tiresome debate on the taxation of betting in Ireland. Here are full versions of my Letters to the Editor published as follows:

On 30 August 2016, I was elected chairman of the Irish Racehorse Claiming Association.

Genealogy and Local History

I have a keen interest in genealogy and local history, in which subjects I am entirely self-taught. I have volunteered my time with numerous genealogical and historical organisations.

I often find it necessary to explain the difference between amateur and professional genealogists:

I still very much belong to the former category, but am very happy to help those whose families I have already researched, and to accept donations towards the time and effort expended in that research. See below.

I was elected Chairman of the Council of Irish Genealogical Organisations (CIGO) for 2011 and 2012.

I was Chairman of the Clare Roots Society from 2013 to 2017, and have represented it on CIGO since January 2008.

I am Public Relations Officer of the Kilrush and District Historical Society (KDHS), founded in May 2012.

I am the Ireland Reaching Out volunteer Parish Administrator for Moyarta civil parish in County Clare, the parish in which my paternal grandmother was born.

I have contributed to both the CIGO and KDHS websites. I use this website to publish my personal views and what I hope is constructive criticism on various aspects of genealogy which may not represent the views of the above organisations. For example:

I was involved in organising the National Famine Commemoration 2013 in Kilrush and wrote a behind-the-scenes blog about it which you can read here:

I was honoured to be nominated for a Cissie Roughan Award from Kilrush Town Council in 2013 for the running of the 10 day famine commeration with the National Famine Commemoration Committee and for showcasing Kilrush in a positive light.

I was also honoured to be appointed as a Companion of the Clans of Ireland Order of Merit (announced on St. Patrick's Day, Monday 17 March 2025; conferred on Saturday 5 April 2025).

Upcoming presentations (subject to change) will be listed here:

Previous presentations, publications and interviews have included:

Some of these talks have been recorded and can be listened to on Mixcloud or watched on YouTube.

From 24 February 2008, my own online family tree was at and since 6 August 2013 it has been at, but in order to see it you will have to register and wait for my approval. If you have registered previously but have forgotten your TNG username or password, then you can use the login page to retrieve them.

I can also be found in the single online world family trees at (where I am quite active),, and

You can find me on Facebook, where I have put up some old family photographs, and on Twitter, which very occasionally obeys my instruction to automatically tweet links to my Facebook posts.

I am a frequent contributor to the Clare Past Forum and to Wikipedia.


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Contact details

Paddy Waldron
55 Ard Coillte
Co. Clare
V94 TCW9

Eir mobile: +353 87 2547230

Please read my guidelines on e-mail and telephone etiquette, particularly if you expected to find an e-mail address here.

If you would like to contribute to the hosting, maintenance and research costs of this website, then you can