Last updated 24 Mar 2025.

Welcome to I set up this domain on 23 December
2010. I set up my first web server on 29
November 1993 and the Wayback Machine
has preserved some early versions of the home
page and technical
Mathematics, Economics and Finance
I have degrees in mathematical sciences, economics and finance
and have been a Lecturer and Visiting Research Fellow in Economics
at Trinity College Dublin.
You can read about (and purchase) the book I have written with
Mike Harrison entitled Mathematics for Economics and Finance
at the publisher's
website. The English language edition was launched by
Professor Patrick Honohan in Trinity College Dublin on 13 June
2011 and the Chinese language edition appeared in February 2013.
Betting and Horse-racing
Arising from family connections and my afore-mentioned background
in mathematics, economics and finance, I have had a long-standing
interest in the betting and horse-racing world. As well as betting
on my own account, I have acted as an independent consultant to
numerous bodies in betting and horse-racing, have served as a
non-executive director of Tote Ireland, and have
contributed to public debate.
I advised the World Rankings Supervisory Committee on the
re-assessment of the levels of the ratings in the International
Classifications and World Thoroughbred Rankings 1977-2012, as
published on 15 January 2013 in a Recalibration
Paper and Co-Chairmen's
Preface on the International
of Horseracing Authorities website and discussed in the British
Horseracing Authority's Head
Handicapping's Blog on 22 January 2013.
I have also contributed to the long and tiresome debate on the
taxation of betting in Ireland. Here are full versions of my
Letters to the Editor published as follows:
- Bookmaker
figures not plausible, Irish Field, 14 Jul 2012,
p.A5, also published as Confusion reigns over Betfair
calculations, Racing Post, 15 July 2012, p.12; and
- Still time to
change Betting Bill, published in abridged form in the Irish
Field, 28 July 2012, p.A4.
On 30 August 2016, I was elected chairman of the Irish
Claiming Association.
Genealogy and Local History
I have a keen interest in genealogy and local history, in which
subjects I am entirely self-taught. I have volunteered my time
with numerous genealogical and historical organisations.
I often find it necessary to explain the difference between
amateur and professional genealogists:
- amateur genealogists are too busy researching their own
families and related families to have time to research clients'
- professional genealogists are too busy researching their
clients' families to have time to research their own families.
I still very much belong to the former category, but am very happy
to help those whose families I have already researched, and to
accept donations towards the time and effort expended in that
research. See below.
I was elected Chairman of the Council of Irish Genealogical
Organisations (CIGO) for 2011 and 2012.
I was Chairman of the Clare Roots Society from
2013 to 2017, and have represented it on CIGO since January 2008.
I am Public Relations Officer of the Kilrush and District Historical Society
(KDHS), founded in May 2012.
I am the Ireland
Out volunteer
Parish Administrator for Moyarta
civil parish in County Clare, the parish in which my
paternal grandmother was born.
I have contributed to both the CIGO and KDHS websites. I use this website to publish my personal views and what I hope
is constructive criticism on various aspects of genealogy which
may not represent the views of the above organisations. For
- I strongly encourage all similar organisations, especially
those to which I belong, to use Google Calendar for their events
diaries and have set up such diaries for CIGO and KDHS; see here for more
on why I am passionate about this!
- I have also written an online guide entitled Irish
registration: How to find records of BMDs etc.
- I became a customer of FamilyTreeDNA
on 20 October 2013, and have written up my thoughts on genetic
genealogy in five web pages, which are all still very much works
in progress:
- I have written about some of the reasons for which I
have been forced to abandon in
favour of TNG for
sharing my own genealogical research.
- I have been tempted for several years to publish here a paper
on the strange but diminishing position of the Irish Family
History Foundation in Irish genealogy.
- I contributed to A Commentary on the proposed Adoption
and Tracing) Bill 2016 in relation to the use of DNA
testing by Adoptees and Birth Parents searching for each other
compiled by members of the International Society of Genetic Genealogy,
I was involved in organising the
National Famine Commemoration 2013 in Kilrush and wrote a
behind-the-scenes blog about it which you can read here:
I was honoured to be nominated
for a Cissie Roughan Award from Kilrush Town Council in 2013 for
the running of the 10 day famine commeration with the National
Famine Commemoration Committee and for showcasing Kilrush in a
positive light.
I was also honoured to be appointed as a
Companion of the Clans of Ireland Order of Merit (announced on St.
Patrick's Day, Monday 17 March 2025; conferred on Saturday 5 April
Upcoming presentations (subject to change) will be listed here:
- Collaborative Genealogy to the Murroe Boher Historical
Society in the Fitzgerald Room (entrance to your left-hand
side of the building), Muintir na Tíre Hall, Murroe on Thursday,
27 March 2025 at 8:30pm
- Collaborative Genealogy to the Clare Roots Society monthly meeting
in the Clare Education Centre, Government Buildings, Kilrush
Road, Ennis, V95 F782, on Thursday 10 April 2025 at 7:30pm
- general presentation into the principles of genealogical DNA
profiling at the MacDermot
Clan gathering in Boyle/Carrick on Shannon on Tuesday 28
July 2020 at 12 noon [postponed indefinitely
due to COVID-19 pandemic]
Previous presentations, publications and interviews have
- Working
with archives, family history and genetics as resources
for a course on Children's agency as local citizens – creative
approaches for teaching local history, at Mary Immaculate
College on Tuesday 18 March 2024 at 6:00pm
- Genetic genealogy classes on family history course for Trinity
College Dublin on 17 February 2025 (beginners) and 11 and 18 February 2025
- 12 Days of Elf-Mas Day
Eight for
recorded at on
Monday 30 December 2024 at 5:00pm GMT
- Getting
the most from your DNA kits for the Irish
Family History Society in the Croke Park Hotel, Dublin, on
Saturday 23 November 2024 at 2:00pm
- Comments
at the launch of A Gentleman
of Limerick: The Story of Francis Arthur of Limerick,
by Michael Kelly in The People's Museum of Limerick, 2 Pery
Square, on Thursday 7 November 2024 at 7:30pm (YouTube video link)
and DNA: Why you and the big DNA companies need to join and adopt its honor code principles of accuracy,
free and open collaboration, courtesy, trust and understanding
for the Irish Genealogical Research Society Ireland Branch Open Day
- DNA Fest in the Helen Roe Theatre, RSAI, 63 Merrion
Square, Dublin 2, on Saturday 18 May 2024 from 10:00am to 4:00pm
(YouTube video link)
- and DNA for Mayo Genealogy Group
in the Park Hotel, Kiltimagh at 6:00pm on Friday 10 May 2024
- Archives,
Family History and Genetics for a course on Children's
agency as local citizens – creative approaches for teaching
local history, at Mary Immaculate College via Zoom on Tuesday 19
March 2024 at 6:00pm
- Genetic genealogy classes on family history course for Trinity
College Dublin on 29 January 2024 (beginners) and 23 and 30 January 2024
- Genetic
Genealogy, Munster Clare at the Shannon Valley Genetic
Genealogy Conference at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday 15 July 2023
as part of That Beats Banagher Festival, Crank House Venue,
Banagher, Co. Offaly, R42 DE61 (YouTube video link)
- Irish History, Memory and Genetics
for Washington State University course in Exploring the History,
Culture and Environment of Ireland in Tralee Library on Friday
19 May 2023 at 1:30pm
- Using
DNA as a Tool for Family Research for Mayo Genealogy Group
in the Park Hotel, Kiltimagh on Friday 12 May 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
- Finding
Long-lost Cousins Using DNA for Ennis Mens Shed on Wednesday 22
March 2023 at 4:30 p.m.
- Archives,
Family History and Genetics for a course on Children's
agency as local citizens – creative approaches for teaching
local history, at Mary Immaculate College in Room T.313 Tara
Building and via Zoom on Tuesday 7 March 2023 at 6:00pm
- Genetic genealogy classes on family history course for Trinity
College Dublin on 23 January 2023 (beginners) and 24 and 31 January 2023
- Kilcasheen
Graveyard at Local History meeting in Myles Creek Lounge, Kilkee, on
Thursday 1 December 2022 at 8:00pm
- History Slot – The
Famine In West Clare, interview with Alan Morrissey on
Morning Focus on Clare
FM on Tuesday 11 October 2022 just after 11am (interview
starts at 07:06 in the podcast).
- Comments
at the launch of Sliabh
Aughty Journal No. 18 2022 Edition in McNamara's,
Scariff, Co. Clare on Friday 23 September 2022 at 9:00pm
- Eulogy
after funeral mass for Martin (Taff/Taaffe/Taft) Durkan (RIP) at
the Church of Our Lady Help of Christians, Swinford on Friday 16
September 2022 at 12 noon.
- Member of the Week interview 6-13
Jun 2022
- Irish History, Memory and Genetics
for Washington State University course in Exploring the History,
Culture and Environment of Ireland in Tralee Library on Thursday
19 May 2022 at 1:15pm
- Genetic genealogy classes on family history course for Trinity
College Dublin on 7 February 2022 (beginners) and 8 and 15 February 2022
- Analysing
and Understanding Y-DNA Results and Y-DNA Projects to The Villages Genealogical Society Genetic Genealogy Special Interest
Group via Zoom, on Friday 10 December 2021 at
3:00pm GMT (recording was here)
- How
to get the most out of your DNA results for Washington
State University at 1:30am Tuesday 9 November 2021 (Irish
time)/5:30pm Monday 8 November 2021 (Washington time)
- Genetic genealogy classes on family history course for Trinity
College Dublin on 8
February 2021 (beginners) and 2 and 9 February
2021 (intermediate)
- An Irish-Cypriot couple: Sir Hal Blackall
(1889-1981) and Maria Severis to the Irish
Hellenic Society via Zoom, on Wednesday 13 January 2021 at
7.30pm (eventbrite event) (YouTube video link)
- How Library Resources Can Help You Trace
Your Family Tree with Gavin Grace and Dolores Meaney on
Focus on Clare
FM on Thursday 21 May 2020
- Genetic genealogy classes on family history course in Trinity
College Dublin on 12
and 19 November 2019 and 9 March 2020 (YouTube video link)
- Interview with Gavin Grace about Prince
William's Clare connections on Morning Focus on Clare FM on
Thursday 5 March 2020 just before 10am.
- Eugene the Blackguard &
the Lynches of Moveen West at Genetic Genealogy Ireland 2020 Belfast in
the International
Convention Centre at the Waterfront Hall in
Belfast on Saturday 15 February 2020 at 2:30pm
- Triangulation at
the Irish Genealogical Research Society Irish Branch DNA
workshop on Saturday 9 November 2019
- Genetic Genealogy for
Beginners for the Mayo Genealogy Group on Tuesday 5 November
2019 at 7pm in Westport
College of Further Education
- Irish
History, Memory and Genetics for Washington State
University course in Exploring the History, Culture and
Environment of Ireland in Tralee Library on Wednesday 15 May
2019 at 1:30pm
- West
Clare connections to the Shanghai Municipal Police and other
parts of the Chinese administration to the Kilkee
Historical Society on Tuesday 7 May 2019
- Creating a Y DNA
Project at the Galway Genetic Genealogy Conference in
Mountbellew on Saturday 4 May 2019 at 10:20am
- Analysing and Understanding
Y-DNA Results and Y-DNA Projects at the Clans
Ireland AGM Conference at the Stephens Green
Hibernian Club in Dublin on Saturday 13 April 2019 at
2:45pm (YouTube
video link)
- Genetic genealogy classes on family history course in Trinity
College Dublin on 13 and 20
November 2018 and 19 March 2019
- Tales from the Annals:
Clare Surnames and Y-DNA to the Kilrush and District Historical Society
in the Teach Ceoil in Kilrush on Tuesday 26 February 2019 at 8pm
(Facebook event)
- How to start and administer
your own Y-DNA project to the Genealogical
of Ireland in the Dún Laoghaire Further Education
Institute, Cumberland Street, Dún Laoghaire on 12 February 2019
at 8.00pm (YouTube video link 1 YouTube
video link 2)
- Running successful atDNA
projects in Ireland, panel discussion, at Genetic Genealogy Ireland 2018 on Saturday
20 October 2018 at 2:30pm (Facebook video link)
- Reconstructing Limerick
family histories using DNA for the Irish
Palatine Association in the Rathkeale
Hotel on Friday 28 September 2018 at 8:00pm
- Welsh Óg book launch in the De Valera
Library in Ennis on Thursday 20 September 2018 at 6:30pm
- Workshop on How to get
the most out of your DNA test results to the Mayo Genealogy Group at the Mayo
Education Centre in Castlebar on Saturday 8 September 2018
at 2:00pm (Facebook event)
- Comments at the launch
of Caherea and The Family of
Thomas Griffin & Mary Clohessy: 1821-1961 in the
Templegate Hotel in Ennis on Saturday 23 June 2018 at 3:00pm
- The
Clans of County Clare: Combining archives, annals and Y-DNA
at Clans
and Surnames: Irish Family History Week in Nenagh on
Thursday 17 May 2018 at 3:00pm
- The
Oral, Archival and Genetic Heritage of Ireland for
Washington State University course in Exploring the History,
Culture and Environment of Ireland in Tralee Library on
Wednesday 16 May 2018 at 1:30pm
- The
O'Dea/O'Day/Dee DNA Project to the 10th International O Dea "Clan" Gathering 2018
in the Banner Room, Old Ground Hotel on Friday 11 May
2018 at 10:30am (YouTube video link)
- Combining archival,
oral and DNA evidence to recreate family histories at
Galway Genetic Genealogy Conference in Holy Rosary College,
Mountbellew, County Galway on Saturday 5 May 2018 at
12:10pm (YouTube video link)
- Using DNA to fill gaps in
family histories to the Irish
Family History Society's AGM at Dublin City Library &
Archive on Saturday 10 March 2018 at 3:15pm
- A guide to tracing your
Clare ancestors using oral, documentary and genetic evidence
to the Shannon Archaeological and Historical Society
at the Oakwood Arms Hotel in Shannon on Wednesday 17 January
2018 at 8pm (Facebook event)
- Tracing your Ancestors -
Beginning your Family History to the Killaloe-Ballina Local History Society at
Killaloe Public Library on Wednesday 20 December 2017 at 7pm
- How to get the most out of
your DNA results to the Irish Genealogical Research Society at the
RSAI in Merrion Square, Dublin on Monday 20 November 2017 at
- Match Making in Clare
using autosomal DNA and Y-DNA at Genetic
Genealogy Ireland 2017 in the Royal Dublin Society on
Sunday 22 October 2017 at 5pm (Facebook video link)
- How to get the most out of
your autosomal DNA results to the Association of
Professional Genealogists Britain, Ireland & the Isles
Chapter in the Civic Trust Offices, Bishop's Palace Kings
Island, Limerick on Friday 6 October 2017 at 2:30pm (YouTube video link)
- Interview
with Nuacht TG4 broadcast on 5 Sep 2017.
- South Clare Tour for the Talty
Family Roots Project Coming home to Clare event on 25 August
2017 at 10am
- "The
Talty Millions": Lawyers, Liars, Inheritance, Disinheritance
and the Great Crash of 1929 to the Talty
Family Roots Project Coming home to Clare event in the
Community Centre in Ennistymon on 24 August 2017 at 5:00pm
- Craggaknock and Kilrush
Kellys to the Kelly Clan Gathering in the Armada Hotel
in Spanish Point on Saturday 20 May 2017 at 9:45am
- Getting the most out of your DNA results
to the Clare Roots Society monthly meeting in the Temple Gate
Hotel in Ennis on Thursday 18 May 2017 at 8:00pm (Facebook event)
- The role and practice of
genealogy in Irish history and culture for Washington
State University course in Exploring the History, Culture and
Environment of Ireland in Tralee Library on Wednesday 17 May
2017 at 1:30pm
- DNA the Next Step in Family
History to the Mayo Genealogy Group at the National
Museum of Country Life, Turlough Park on Saturday 13 May 2017 at
2pm (Facebook event; no recording facilities
- Clare History and Genealogy
at the Curtin Clan Gathering, Temple Gate Hotel,
Ennis, Friday 21 April 2017 at 2pm (YouTube
video link)
- Using Genetic Genealogy
Skills and Technology to Reconstruct our Family History at
Mary Immaculate College in Limerick on Tuesday 4 April 2017 at
7pm (Facebook
- The West Clare Fenians at Stella Maris
Hotel, Kilkee, County Clare on Saturday 4 March 2017 at
- Maps and genealogy: Where
were my ancestors in the 1850s? for the Friends of the Hunt Museum at the Hunt Museum
in Limerick on Tuesday 21 February 2017 at 1pm (YouTube video link)
- Reconstructing West
Clare Family Histories using DNA for the Kilrush & District
Historical Society in the Teach Ceoil in Kilrush on
Tuesday 29 November 2016 at 8pm (Facebook event; YouTube video link)
- The
Ups & Downes of atDNA matching at Genetic
Genealogy Ireland 2016 in the Royal Dublin Society on
Sunday 23 October 2016 at 1pm (Speaker profile; YouTube video link 1; YouTube video link 2)
- How
to find our ancestors using online maps at Irish
Genealogy Summer School 2016: Roots to the Rising, Cork,
28 June 2016
- Using Parish Registers Online at Irish
Summer School 2016: Roots to the Rising, Cork, 28 June
- Genetic
Genealogy Question and Answer Session Clare Roots Society
monthly meeting, 8:00pm Thursday 19 May 2016, Maguire Suite, Old
Ground Hotel, Ennis
- The
role and practice of genealogy in Irish history and culture
for Washington State University course in Exploring the History,
Culture and Environment of Ireland, Tralee Library, 18 May 2016
- County Clare and 1916
at Cooraclare 1916 Commemoration, commemorating Con Colbert, 6
May 2016
- Adventures in DNA-based
family history research: How DNA found two more generations of
my 18th century Limerick ancestors, Granary Library
History Lecture Series, in the Granary Library, Michael Street,
Limerick on Tuesday 15 December 2015 at 8pm
- Genealogical
Sources for Carrigaholt Parish as part of the Carrigaholt
Cultural & Heritage Festival in Carrigaholt National School
on Thursday 2 July at 7pm.
- How to
find your ancestors using online maps at the Adult
Continuing Education Irish
Genealogy Summer School 2015 - Ancestral Connections: Names,
Places and Spaces in G01 Western Gateway Building at
University College Cork on Tuesday 30 June 2015 at 12 noon
- How to trace your County Clare Ancestry,
Series 2: Episode 11 of The Genealogy Radio Show, Raidió Corca
Baiscinn, broadcast on Thursday 2 April 2015 at 4pm
- A Forgotten Limerick Man, Sir
Thomas Myles for the Thomond Archaelogical and
Historical Society in Mary Immaculate College on Monday 9 March
2015 at 8pm
- Tracing
your Ancestors - Beginning Your Family History for Clare Roots
Society in the Maguire Suite, Old Ground Hotel, Ennis on
Thursday 19 February 2015 at 8pm
- Limerick's
gunrunners 1914 for the Castleconnell Historical Society
in the Shannon Inn, Castleconnell on Wednesday 14 January 2015
at 8pm
- Tracing
Emigrants from Ireland at The
Genealogy Event in the Shannon Suite, Strand Hotel,
Limerick on Friday 22 August 2014 at 3pm
- Irish
Parishes & Their Shifting Boundaries at The
Genealogy Event in the Shannon Suite, Strand Hotel,
Limerick on Friday 22 August 2014 at 10:45am
- The
Howth & Kilcoole Gunrunning 1914 - The Limerick
Connection: Sir Thomas Myles for the Mount Trenchard
Memorial Committee in the Desmond Hall, Newcastle West, County
Limerick on Thursday 14 August 2014 at 7:30pm
- Limerick's
1914 Gun-runners in Limerick's Pop Up Museum on Wednesday
13 August 2014 at 7:30pm
- Tracing your family
in Limerick - A guide to tracing your ancestors for
Limerick Historical Society in Room 301, Mary Immaculate College
on Monday 14 April 2014 at 8pm
- Genealogy for Beginners for Mary
Immaculate College History Society in Room T.201 Tara Building
on Wednesday 19 March 2014 at 7:30pm
- Administrative
Divisions And Genealogical Records for Clare Roots Society in
the Civic Rooms, Ennis Town Council, Drumbiggle Road on Thursday
20 February 2014 at 8pm
- Kilrush
Poor Law Union and the Parishes of West Clare in the Clare
Association Yearbook 2014
- Myles of Myles Creek,
a summer talk in Kilkee for the Kilkee Civic Trust in
the Kilkee
Bay Hotel on Wednesday 28 August 2013 at 8pm
- Some Irishmen in the Shanghai Municipal Police
and other parts of the Chinese administration for the
O'Riordan Family Gathering at Moneymohill House on 10 August
- An
Diary in The Irish Times on 29 April 2013
- An Introduction to
County Kerry Administrative Divisions And Genealogical
Records for North
Kerry Reaching Out at The Seanchaí: Kerry Writers Museum,
24 The Square, Listowel, Co. Kerry, on Wednesday 10 April 2013
at 7:30pm.
- The People of
Kilrush Poor Law Union during the Great Famine on 4 Mar
2013 and 7 March 2013
- Ireland Reaching Out
Training Programme at Adult and Community Education
Centre, Clonroad, Ennis, 7:30pm 18 February 2013 and 25 February
- The Talty Millions: A
genealogical journey from Miltown to Miami to the
Old Kilfarboy Society in Miltown Malbay, Co. Clare, on Tuesday
12 February 2013 at 8pm
- Presentation
at National Famine Commemoration 2013 Community Meeting in
Kilrush Golf Club on Tuesday 5 February 2013 at 7pm
- Genealogy for Beginners
at the Kildare
Education Centre on Thursday
December 2012 at 7pm
- Chairman's
address to the Council of Irish Genealogical
Organisations on 14 November 2012
- Myles of Myles Creek on
Friday 24 August 2012, from 7pm-8pm, in Cultúrlann Sweeney,
Kilkee, Co. Clare, a Heritage Week event in association with
Clare County Library, Clare Roots Society and Kilrush and
District Historical Society
- Genealogy
for beginners on Friday 24 August 2012, from 11am-12noon,
in Kilrush Library, Co. Clare, a Heritage Week event in
association with Clare County Library, Clare Roots Society and
Kilrush and District Historical Society
- Genealogy in Clare
during the Irish
Ancestry Research Centre (IARC) Genealogy Information Day
on Saturday 11 August 2012, from 11am-3pm, in Cultúrlann
Sweeney, Kilkee, Co. Clare
- From the Talty
Farthing to the Talty Millions: Tracing a Clare family to
Dublin and beyond to the Clare
Association, Dublin on Monday 30 April 2012 (8pm) in Wynn's Hotel,
35-39 Lower Abbey St., Dublin 1
- An Irishman's Diary in The
Irish Times on 11 April 2012
- Chairman's
address to the Council of Irish Genealogical Organisations
on 30 November 2011
- An Idiot's Guide To Tracing
Ancestors to the Glin Historical Society on 23 November
2011 at 8pm
- Tracing
Irish Emigrants to the Clare Roots Society on 29 September
- Presentation
on behalf of the Council
of Irish Genealogical Organisations at a Meeting on
Genealogical Records in the National Library of Ireland on 7
September 2011
- Tracing a family
history online: The Nolans and the Mayoralty of Limerick
to the Castleconnell Historical Society on 17 May 2011 (Update 24 Aug 2011)
- Radio interviews about the centenary of the Census of Ireland
1911 on RTÉ Radio 1 and Clare FM, both broadcast on Friday 8 April
- The Myles brothers:
Members of a renowned Limerick sporting family to the
Rathkeale and District Historical Society on 11 February 2011
- The Talty
Millions: Lawyers, Liars, Inheritance, Disinheritance and the
Great Crash of 1929 to the Irish Family History Society on
2 October 2010 (listen on mixcloud)
- The
State of Irish Genealogy in 2010 to the Western Family
History Association on 4 September 2010
- A Workshop at the Dublin
Library and Archive on 27 March 2010 (Update 24 August 2011)
- Limerick's
first international rugby player and his brothers - the
gun-runner, the dean and the lunatic: The Myles family of
Limerick at the Limerick City
Library on 12 January 2010
- The Catholic
Unionist with seven servants and a Church of Ireland
chauffeur: The Rt. Hon. Wm. Kenny (1846-1921) of Marlfield
House, Cabinteely to the Certificate Genealogists' Alumni
Group on 2 December 2009
- The Parker
Families of North Munster and Kingstown to the Genealogical
of Ireland on 10 February 2009
- The Parker
Families of North Munster: A Case Study to the Irish
Genealogical Research Society on 17 May 2008
- "Don't
believe everything you're told": Researching the O'Hallorans
of Sixmilebridge to the Clare Roots Society on
29 March 2007 (YouTube video link)
Some of these talks have been recorded and can be listened to on
or watched on YouTube.
From 24 February 2008, my own online family tree was at
and since 6 August 2013 it has been at,
but in order to see it you will have to register and wait for my
approval. If you have registered previously but have forgotten
your TNG username or password, then you can use the login page to
retrieve them.
I can also be found in the single online world family trees at (where I am quite active),, and
You can find me on Facebook, where I have put up some old family photographs, and on Twitter,
which very occasionally obeys my instruction to automatically
tweet links to my Facebook posts.
I am a frequent contributor to the Clare
Forum and to Wikipedia.
(requires PDF
Contact details
Paddy Waldron
55 Ard Coillte
Co. Clare
V94 TCW9
Eir mobile: +353 87 2547230
Please read my guidelines on e-mail
and telephone etiquette, particularly if you expected to
find an e-mail address here.
If you would like to contribute to the
hosting, maintenance and research costs of this website, then you