Paddy Waldron's relatives and other connections


Introduction: If you have already registered as a user of this website, then please click here for the login page (which you should add to the bookmarks or favorites in your own web browser).

If you have not yet registered, then please choose a username of 100 characters or less, a password and one of your e-mail addresses which you will use to gain access to this website, and please record them safely somewhere that you will be able to consult them if you forget them, as many users do. E-mails to me about lost or forgotten login credentials will go to the end of my long queue of e-mails awaiting reply, so will probably never be answered.

If you follow this advice, then it does not matter whether or not your old email address still exists.

If your old email address ceases to exist and you want to change it, then you can use the Edit Profile: link which you will find on the third line on most pages.

If you entered a long username on the registration form before 29 January 2021, then it will have been truncated to the first 20 characters. For example, if you registered as, then you will have to log in as ATestAccountWithALon - you will see your possibly truncated username in the e-mail with subject "Your genealogy user account has been activated."

The login page in theory allows you to retrieve your username and/or password by e-mail if you have forgotten them, but some users have reported that the relevant e-mails have not reached them, even after checking spam and junk mail folders, and it appears that these e-mails may sometimes just disappear into the ether.

If you have forgotten your access details, have no record of them and still cannot retrieve them, then I cannot help you.

If you know your access details and encounter a problem with the website, then please don't just tell me something vague like "when I tried to log in it did not allow me to", but you may send me either a screenshot showing exactly what you did or at least the full and exact text of whatever error message you received and the URL of the page where you saw the error message.

If you are a first time visitor, then please read on for details of how to register.

Scope: This is an online version of a larger offline genealogical database (which contains additional information on some living individuals). The online version contains the names only for individuals who are still living.

My original objective was to include in the database everyone who has a documented blood relationship to me.

Since I began to compile the database on my first personal computer back in 1987, my research has gone off on many tangents, so that the database now contains many people who are not my direct blood relatives, but everyone in the online version is connected by marriage at one or more removes to me.

In particular, my research threatens to expand to one name studies of the surnames of many of my own ancestors, in particular Waldron, Clancy, Parker and O'Halloran. It has also expanded to include interesting families of which only some branches are related to me, such as the Costelloes of Trienearagh, county Kerry and the Myleses of Limerick City. It has also expanded to cover whole parishes, such as the county Clare parishes of Moyarta (for which I am the volunteer parish administrator for Ireland Reaching Out) and Kilrush (since I am public relations officer of the Kilrush and District Historical Society).

As I have grown older and my database has grown larger, I have become more conscious that I will not be able to keep adding to it indefinitely and that I need to make sure that my lifetime's work outlives me. Hence, I have gradually been converted over the years to the merits of a more collaborative approach. Since April 2021, I have been adding some of my genealogical information to and have been creating links from individuals in my database to their WikiTree profiles.

I am old enough and experienced enough to realise that cloud computing is but a myth.  Clouds evaporate, even while their creators live, and the monster database which I have created will very likely evaporate not long after me.  The WikiTree community and the WikiTree website have much better chances of long-term survival than myself and my personal website.  However, it would take several lifetimes, or a small army of assistants, to properly integrate my whole database into WikiTree.

Please consider joining the WikiTree community and connecting yourself and your immediate family to me and to the other 26 million+ people who are already connected by marriage at one or more removes to me and to each other on our global family tree. If your deceased ancestors are both in my database and on WikiTree and if I have not included the relevant links to WikiTree, please let me know and I will endeavour to do so at the next update.

DNA: I have submitted samples of my DNA to and AncestryDNA and 23andMe and have copied the autosomal DNA and X-DNA results to,, and If you have sent a DNA sample for analysis or are contemplating doing so, then you might be interested in my advice on how to get the most out of your DNA results or in my longer account of A Beginner's Adventures in Genetic Genealogy.

I am also administrator or co-administrator of the Clare Roots project and of the Clancy, Durkin/Durkan/Durcan, Marrinan, McNamara and O'Dea/O'Day/Dee surname projects at, so that my database has also expanded to cover many families with these surnames.

Access policy: I am happy to allow access to the database to anyone who is included in it and to anyone who appears either from traditional genealogical evidence or DNA evidence to possibly be related to me or to a family which I have researched.

I would appreciate it if those using this website reciprocated by allowing me access to their own online family trees.

As well as sharing access to each other's family trees, it would also be a great help to both of us to have access to each other's DNA match lists on the various DNA comparison websites which facilitate this:

  • at, my kit number is VA864386C1;
  • at AncestryDNA, I am happy to send you an invitation to view my own match list if you are willing to reciprocate - this can be done in the Sharing Preferences subsection of the Privacy section at (all that you have to do is click the Change dropdown, click "Add a person", copy and paste, or retype, my e-mail address and select Viewer and Send Invitation; if you don't already have my e-mail address, then you can find it by using the UserLookup tool at; and
  • at FamilyTreeDNA, I will be able to see your match list and your shared matches with other project members (even those that do not match you) if you join the Clare Roots project or one of my relevant surname projects listed above, and I am happy to join any relevant project that you administer.

Please remember therefore that you must use the Notes or Comments box on the registration form to let me know briefly

  1. exactly how you are related to me, including enough detail on your parents, grandparents, etc., to allow me to add you to the family tree; or, if you are not related to me, why I should grant you access to the database;
  2. how you learned of this website, including the name of anyone that may have referred you to it;
  3. your WikiTree ID or some other specific URL which will bring me directly to your own online pedigree chart; and
  4. your kit number.

Please do not include a long narrative repeating information which can be seen more clearly in your online pedigree chart.

Please use e-mail for specific questions or longer discussions. You should receive an e-mail acknowledgement of your registration to which you can reply if necessary.

I will ignore your registration request

  • if you leave the Notes or Comments box blank,
  • if you do not include your real name, or
  • if I have already approved your registration and you submit a duplicate request (as people with multiple accounts will find it even harder to remember their corresponding multiple passwords).

In return for access to my research, I ask that you help me and other researchers in two ways:

  1. Please help me to keep the family tree accurate by e-mailing me corrections of any errors that you spot. (If you don't already have my e-mail address, you will learn it when I approve your registration.)
  2. If you have not already done both, please submit a DNA sample to one or more of the online DNA databases and follow my advice on how to get the most out of your DNA results, including copying both your pedigree chart and your autosomal DNA results to (This advice also explains in great detail why I request you to give me the second and third items listed above on the registration form.)

Photographs: Photographs of some of the individuals in the database will eventually appear on their pages and I hope to expand the collection of photographs in the future. My offline digital photograph collection was managed with the now defunct Fotobounce and I am on the lookout for a straightforward way of exporting all the faces tagged in Fotobounce in bulk and importing them to my genealogy database. In the meantime, I also uploaded ancestral photographs to from which they have also begun to evaporate inexplicably.

Counts: As of 12 June 2022, this online version contains 19,305 of my own direct blood relatives, 8,034 spouses of those relatives and 176,007 other individuals who are connected by marriage at one or more removes to these relatives. The offline version of the database contains another 5,803 people from branches which either have requested confidentiality or have been found not to be connected to the main tree or have not yet been definitively connected to the main tree.

Living individuals: In general, I have always wanted to keep information about living individuals, such as birthdates, which is not already in the public domain, offline and private. From 29 Mar 2012, I have used Ancestral Quest's algorithm for identifying living individuals to exclude all details apart from names for those deemed to be living. Constructing an algorithm to distinguish between those who are living and those long dead whose date of death is unknown is not easy. I think that Ancestral Quest considers to be living only those with birth dates clearly within the last 110 years and with no death dates. This may allow some living individuals for whom I have a birthday but no birth year not to be treated as living.

The database includes notes compiled over a period of more than one third of a century, of which the earlier ones were not written with a view to publication on the world wide web, which did not exist when compilation began.

Please let me know if you find anyone who is living and whose details have been inadvertently included or anyone who is dead and whose details are known to you but have been excluded. Similarly, if anyone whose name is included in the online database wishes to be completely removed, I will be glad to remove him or her from the next upload.

I hope that I have appropriately segregated all existing notes into online and offline categories. If you find anything in the database which you feel is inappropriate for publication here, even behind a password, or if there is any additional information which you would like to see included, please let me know.

Technical details and glitches: This website is constantly under reconstruction.

This TNG website was first created on 1 Aug 2013 when I moved the online version from to for the reasons set out here. The offline database was for many years edited mainly with Ancestral Quest [AQ] (Version 2.1). On 20 Mar 2011, the offline database grew too large for Version 2.1 of AQ and I was forced to switch to Version 12.1 which used a different database format but allowed many additional fields such as name prefixes, suffixes and nicknames and marriage notes. I have since upgraded to Version 16.0.9.

In principle, you can use the "Suggest" tab at the top right of any individual page to let me know of any errors or omissions in relation to a particular individual. However, these suggestions do not always reach me and sometimes just disappear into the ether. If you do use the Suggest tab to send updates, you should also copy and paste your suggestions into a regular e-mail to me just to make sure that I receive them.

The process of conversion from the offline format to the online format is not perfect.

If you spot any more general errors or omissions or infelicities in the data or if you would like me to e-mail you relevant extracts from the database as a GEDCOM file to open with your own genealogy program, please feel free to contact me.

Website: I also have a more general website at

Contact details: To prevent spam, I do not publish my e-mail address online; see here. If you register to use this website, then you should receive an acknowledgement e-mail from me. There is a form within TNG which purports to deliver messages to the site manager via e-mail, but I have been unable to make it reliably do so. If you use the form, there is no guarantee that your message will reach me.

Registration: If you want a user account on this website, then please use this registration form and in particular remember to include the information requested above in the Notes or Comments field at the end of the form. Then please wait patiently for an e-mail confirming whether or not I have approved your registration.

Once I have approved your registration, you may want to start by looking at my own pedigree chart.

If you would like to contribute to the hosting, maintenance and research costs of this website, then you can


Paddy Waldron

This page last updated: 12 June 2022.

If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Which branch are you from?